Sunday, May 18, 2008

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Goat

Are you hip to this yet? I just heard about this in a blurb on Texe Marrs' radio show. Apparently, CBS and ABC news have covered this to some extent. From what I understand, military researchers have successfully spliced spider genes into the DNA of goats. The goats produce a protein in their milk that can be harvested and spun into very strong thread. The idea is that the military will weave this spider-goat thread into a material twice as strong as kevlar. Now, they haven't been totally successful yet; they've gotten only a small amound of thread and it's not as strong as they'd hoped.

Now, on the face of it, I'm all in favor of tinkering with DNA, in a controlled and disciplined way. This administration has not shown itself to be particularly disciplined or controlled and I don't think we're mature enough as a culture to handle this kind of thing right now. Currently, the inmates are in control of the asylum and they seem to relish showing us just how crazy they are. What really disturbs me about this - I mean, really, truly, seriously, and for-real disturbs me - is that the spider mutation breeds true. Any little goats that result from a spider-goat romance are spider-goats too. This has the potential to get seriously out of control. I refer again to the current administration's track record.

And remember, this is only what they've chosen to reveal. Jesus, Mary, and Ollie. Imagine what else they've got behind closed doors.

And for those of you who are familiar with the Edgar Cayce readings on Atlantis...what was it again that the Sons of Darkness did that brought about the sinking of the continent? Oh wait, I remember...something about unnatural cross breeding of animals. Something about monsters...

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