Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Your tax dollars at work...

Maybe it's just that the poorer I get and the more expensive everything gets, squeezing this little family out of house and home, I'm more attuned to the waste going on around me. A few years ago, I probably never would have noticed this, but tonight it really pissed me off. I stopped at 7 Eleven to get some $3.40 a gallon gas and there was a cop there, as usual for that time of night. He stops by and hangs out for an hour to make sure everything's okay and to deter anyone with larcenous or violent intentions. All well and good. I'm happy to see a cop protecting and serving for a change instead of just collecting money for the state or city with bullshit tickets. What I'm not happy about is the fact that he leaves his car idling the whole time he's in there. That's my tax money you're burning! Mine! I have to scrape and save just to be able to afford to drive to work every day and you're wasting gas?

I'm sure there's a regulation that says he has to leave the car running, but it's disheartening to see the taxes that take food from my family's mouth just burning away like that. Not just at this particular location, but every convenience store, every night. Think about that next time your taxes go up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They do have a regulation to keep their car running in case they have to quickly get somewhere. At least here.

It's stupid.